
Reinsurance Tokenized

Access a high-return investment opportunity typically available only to select, ultra-high net worth individuals: Reinsurance

Examples of large reinsurers are Berkshire Hathaway, and Lloyd’s of London

With SurancePlus, you can invest in a balanced-yield (20% annualized*) or high-yield (42% annualized*) reinsurance contract pool with as little as $5,000

 Get your seat at the table!

Reinsurance as an Investment

Insurance companies lay off their risk by buying reinsurance

According to Bloomberg, in 2023, reinsurance was one of the top performing hedge fund strategies **

SurancePlus’ issuance of Tokenized Reinsurance Securities is the first on-chain reinsurance Real-World Asset (RWA) of its kind to be offered by a subsidiary of a NASDAQ-listed company

Unlike with most others, an investment with SurancePlus’ Tokenized Reinsurance Securities has the benefit of being uncorrelated to the fluctuations of the capital markets

Transparency and Compliance

SurancePlus is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oxbridge Re Holdings (NASDAQ: OXBR), a publicly traded company that is audited to Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) standards.

Easy Access

Our United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered transfer agent handles the investment process end-to-end in an easy-to-use online Investor Portal.

Track Record

Oxbridge Re was founded in 2013 and NASDAQ-listed in 2014.

Complies with U.S. Securities Laws

The EpsilonCat Re digital security will be offered and sold to U.S. investors in compliance with exemptions from registration provided under United States securities laws.


The tokenized reinsurance securities are backed by RWAs (reinsurance contracts) that comply with applicable U.S. securities laws. Monies are held in US Bank Trust accounts that are not exposed to fluctuations in the capital markets.

Attractive ROI

Holders of this year's EpsilonCat Re digital security are projected to receive a targeted 42% annualized return.*


Achieve liquidity in two ways: Either sell on a Secondary Market or request a redemption at the end of each contract/treaty year.

Uncorrelated to Financial Markets

The investment is not correlated to financial markets as funds are invested directly into reinsurance contracts.

Enabled by Blockchain

EpsilonCat Re tokens ownership records will be immutably published on the Avalanche blockchain. Leveraging blockchain technology also helps us democratize access to reinsurance as an investment.


SurancePlus by Oxbridge Re Holdings

SurancePlus Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oxbridge Re Holdings, a publicly traded reinsurance holding company listed on the NASDAQ under ticker symbol “OXBR”.  

The company specializes in Real-World Asset (“RWA”) tokenization and pioneered the first tokenized reinsurance securities to be offered through a subsidiary of a publicly traded company.

SurancePlus Reinsurance Tokenized

*Provided the contract/treaty year is loss-free.

**Source: Risk Models Behind World’s Best Hedge Fund Strategy Are Getting a Lot Harder to Crack